mu B200
At mu Space, a notable advantage in all of our technology is the power system and electronics, referred to as the heart and brain of the technology respectively. The power system acts as a storage that distributes energy whereas the electronics control that energy ensuring an optimum benefit for energy use.
Undoubtedly our advancements on our development and manufacturing capability of satellites are strongly focused on these two important parts.
Currently, we have reached a significant level of progress for the satellite components and sub systems for the satellites, some of which have undergone actual testing while the others will be test-launched into space for virtual conditions. Main structure, battery pack, and multi-junction solar panel are three major components that contribute to the high performance of our satellite. Click here to see the prototypes of major components of our satellites.

End to End customer / Full loop service

Raw Materials

Tailor made



Continuous Service

Value Proposition
High Power
High power telecommunications satellites developed with a focus on advanced and reliable power systems and battery: 3 kWh capacity
Speed to Market
Satellites developed and built in 12 to 18 months to help you generate higher revenue to meet market needs, corner higher market shares, and maximise the latest technology
Developed and designed with customers in mind: custom satellites are optimized for your specific applications