mu Space Corp recommends that users of our website shall deem to have clear understand of this Data Privacy Policy, which explains how mu Space Corp treats personal information, i.e., collection, preservation, use and disclosure of personal information, and individual rights which will be protected if there is any submitted such information by Thai’s law as our standard of practice. mu Space Corp hereby declares its privacy policy as follows:

Respect of Users’ Privacy Rights

  1. mu Space Corp respects and gives significance to individual rights, personal information, and personal information protection. mu Space Corp realizes that users of our website would wish to be assured of security in using the website.
  2. Personal information received by mu Space Corp, such as name, age, address, telephone number, I.D. number and financial information that can be used to trace an identity, that is complete, accurate, up-to-date, and of good quality will be used only for the mu Space Corp’s operations. mu Space Corp shall use appropriate security measures so that personal information may not be used without permission.

Limited Collection of Personal Information

  1. Regarding to the collection and preservation of personal information, mu Space Corp shall use lawful and fair means to limit collection and storing of personal information.
  2. mu Space Corp shall obtain users’ consent prior to collecting personal information except in the case that;
    • It is an exception prescribed by law.
    • It is for users’ benefit but consent cannot be obtained at that time.
    • It is for the benefit of users’ life, health, or safety or the life, health, or safety of other service users.
    • It is for legal investigation or inquiry by officials or court proceedings.
    • It is for study, research, or statistical data collection.
  3. mu Space Corp shall not collect personal information about genetic traits and sexual behavior, or information that may be detrimental to personal reputation, or information that may cause unfair discrimination to any person except in the case that:
    • Users’ written consent has been obtained.
    • It is an exception prescribed by law.
    • It is for users’ benefit and consent cannot be obtained at that time.
    • It is for the benefit of users’ life, health or safety or the life, health, or safety of other service users.
    • It is for investigations by legal officials or court proceedings.
    • It is for study, research, or statistical data collection.
  4. mu Space Corp may integrate users’ personal information with information received from other sources only as necessary and with users’ consent, for updating personal information and improving the quality and efficiency of mu Space Corp.

Objectives in Collecting Personal Information

  1. mu Space Corp collects personal information to be used for mu Space Corp’s operations, studies, research, or statistical data collection in accordance with mu Space Corp’s operational objectives, and for the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the mu Space Corp’s electronic services.
  2. In the event of subsequent changes in the collection of personal information, mu Space Corp shall notify users and ask for their consent. Any amendment made to personal information shall be recorded.
  3. For analysis of the use of services via a website and for traceability in the event of problems in service usage, mu Space Corp automatically uses log files for record keeping by which at least the following data is saved:
    • IP address
    • Type of browser
  4. Moreover, mu Space Corp uses the services from external agencies/organizations/companies or service providers that keep log files in providing services via websites as prescribed by law.

Limited Use of Personal Information

  1. mu Space Corp may use and disclose personal information only with users’ consent and when it is in accordance with mu Space Corp’s objectives.
  2. mu Space Corp shall ensure that it shall not disclose, show, or cause to appear the users’ personal information in any other manner other than that specified in mu Space Corp’s objectives or to a third party except if:
    • It is prescribed by law.
    • It is with the users’ consent.
    • It is for the benefit of life, health or safety or the life, health, or safety of other service users.
    • It is for investigations by officials or court proceedings.
    • It is for study, research, or statistical data collection.
  3. In certain cases, mu Space Corp may allow other persons or agencies/organizations to have access to or use users’ personal information as necessary, for the purposes of and under the authority of mu Space Corp.

Change in Privacy Policy

  1. mu Space Corp may revise this privacy policy occasionally to be consistent with changes in service provision, mu Space Corp’s operations, and public suggestions/comments. mu Space Corp shall make a clear announcement before proceeding with any changes or may deliver the notification of change directly to the users.
  2. For additional information on the policy and practical guidelines on personal information protection, reference could be made to the full version of the Policy and Practical Guideline for Personal Information Protection. If you have further questions, please contact us.