mu Space and GISTDA agree to work on
Meta Surface Patch Antenna Project
mu Space has recently had their proposal accepted by GISTDA for the development of their Meta Surface Patch Antenna. GISTDA, Click for more information also known as the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, is a space agency in Thailand and has worked with mu Space on numerous occasions, with their working relationship stretching over years.

Reaction Wheel tested at GISTDA’s facility.
The two companies previously collaborated when mu Space tested their satellite components at GISTDA’s facility. One of the satellite components that mu Space tested with GISTDA is the “Reaction Wheel,” a part that helps stabilize and move the satellite in microgravity. This component underwent various tests, including the vibration test, which is crucial as parts may break and cause damage to other components of the satellite if unable to withstand the inevitable vibrations caused by launching the component into the atmosphere. mu Space’s satellite passed the test, earning SSTL/Airbus certification and AS9100 D certification from GISTDA. Beyond testing components, the two companies have also collaborated on many projects and events.